Providing high quality, experience-based, professional
TSC is focused on providing Project and Program development and delivery services to clients from the USA, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
TSC will lead your project from concept development through completion and close out.
TSC offers a full range of project and program management services:
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Program & Project Management
Our Project Management Systems (PM Systems) provide the framework within which all elements of our Project Execution Plan (PEP) can operate.
Key elements of our PM systems include clearly communicated teaming agreements with scopes and roles accepted in contract documents and further established with our Project Execution Plan, Project Scope Book, project procedures, goals identification and communication, an interface plan with responsibilities matrix, prime contract management directly by our proposed Program or Project Manager, a Sustainable Development Program design to meet our client’s goals, a quanti-fiable Risk Management Program, a collaborative project procedures devel-opment plan, and IT systems and information management systems to deliver appropriate information to team members in a timely manner.
Project Execution Plan (PEP)
Trinity Service utilizes proven Project Management methodologies to facilitate successful project delivery for our clients. During their careers, our team members have employed the systems and resources that support our approach on complex and challenging projects.
The focal point of our approach is our Project Execution Plan (PEP). This plans and organizes project delivery to focus on critical planning functions and deliverables including: project scope details, project management approach, organization, contracts and procurement, project finance & controls, design management, construction management, and facility operational readiness.
TSC develops PEP for each project, regardless of size, scope, and com-plexity; including projects with limited scope such as procurement and logistics projects. The PEP describes in detail each phase of the project to facilitate communication with all teams members, and outlines the project approach including project initiation, definition and scope evaluation; scope and schedule based planning and development; the procurement and tendering phase; project construction or delivery, including facilities operational readiness and testing; and commissioning, handover and warranty management.
Sustainable Development Plans
Our sustainable development planning starts at project mobilization, with our Project Management team working with project planners to identify sustainable resources acceptable to the Client, develop a matrix to track each element of the sustainable development program, and periodically reviewing the overall plan to ensure compliance with sustainability requirements. The sustainable development plan is set up to continue to track compliance throughout all delivery phases of the project. Our planning also includes any follow up compliance certification requirements that may be required.
Project Baseline Development
Project baseline plans, schedules and budgets are set-up for each project, including the scope, execution strategy, schedule and cost, during the Project Initiation Stage and refined as the Project progresses.
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) forms the backbone of the Project Management and Control System; it is the basis of the schedule and cost monitoring and reporting systems. The WBS established by TSC is used by the PM and all subcontractors and sub-consultants when providing their budgets, schedules and status information.
Throughout the life of the project, TSC will monitors performance against the baseline for changes and trends, which are deviations from the established baseline. All changes and deviations are analyzed for root cause and likely impact to the project in terms of cost and schedule.
Project budgets are maintained using the WBS cost coding system in three separate budget categories:
- Baseline Cost Estimate (Original Budget): The Original budget is part of the project Baseline and is maintained unchanged throughout the project as a permanent reference point.
- Current Budget: The original budget plus approved scope changes.
- Current Forecast: The current budget plus unapproved changes referred to as Trends. This provides the most current intelligence on the likely out-turn cost of each account.
The budgeted quantities, job hours, durations and costs are all spread over time and tracked at the code of accounts level of detail so that all these elements remain synchronized. The current forecast provides the anticipated monthly expenditure.
Risk Management Plans
Trinity Service advises the use of Active Risk Manager (ARM) developed by Active Risk Group as a tool for management of risk. ARM software enables project members to record risks in a central structured SQL database. ARM software is made available via the web with strong access security.
ARM is configured to reflect Trinity Service risk management process. Risks will be scored and the project manager can manage exposure to risks quanti-tatively and qualitatively. ARM assists the project manager in assigning risk ownership and tracking delivery of risk response plans.
In ARM, risks will be quantified by performing Monte Carlo simulations as part of the contingency analysis process. Typically this quantification identifies probability of occurrence with a simple three-point cost-and-time estimate (worst case, most-likely case, and best case). The risk owner(s) and project management team assesses the risk quantification.
Procurement & Purchasing
TSC is committed to working collaboratively with our clients and supply chain partners. Based on experience to date, our suppliers are familiar with working in accordance with our contract terms and conditions to deliver quality products, tested and inspected in accordance with specifications.
Our project managers are trained to facilitate early supply chain engagement at project mobilization to inspire maximum innovation, to add value, and achieve cost efficiency. Early supply chain engagement encourages value added initiatives with sustainability and standardization considered as part of the whole life program costs.
Our commitment to working with and building relationships with supply chain partners is something we bring to every project and while the involvement of the supply chain in project decisions will be strictly managed to ensure decisions are not compromised by competing interests, a spirit of openness will be encouraged where concerns can be aired freely as soon as they arise with all team members expected to work together towards a resolution without conflict.